“The team at Kos Automated Solutions and their tools honestly are miles ahead of their few competitors and the innovation that they continually bring is brilliant, to say the least. Their robotic tools are very user-friendly, built tough, and very well serviced by their team through our day-to-day operations.”
– Wasyl Koblanski, President & CEO of Solution Services

“Our success and strength in the industrial industry historically were largely dependent on manual techniques for tank and vessel cleaning. These methods involve a tremendous amount of labour and other resources which are not very precise or accurate. Systems are mainly cleaned through manual confined space entry with wash wands and vac hoses; workers are outfitted with supplied air-breathing apparatuses, personal protective equipment, and a scrub brush for long periods. Workers require extensive permitting, safety planning, man-way safety watch, and qualified certifications before entry and time is very limited; the work is very hard!

“For many years I have dreamt of a different future, one where we can do more with less. How can we be more efficient? How can we stop putting our people in the most dangerous work environments known to man? These questions have always been at the forefront of our business model, and we are proud to say that we do have the answers. The future is here; at Solution Services.

“Over the years technology has shaped the world; there is no doubt, we all have seen it in one way or another. Our business has invested heavily into our automation, innovative processes, custom equipment, data acquisition programs, the right people, and now, Robotics. Our Robotic Tank and Vessel Cleaning technology is the best in the world when you understand what currently is available. The team at Kos Automated Solutions and their tools honestly are miles ahead of their few competitors and the innovation that they continually bring is brilliant, to say the least. Their robotic tools are very user-friendly, built tough, and very well serviced by their team through our day-to-day operations.

“We see a huge future in simultaneous cleaning operations in the space of ALL tanks and vessels where we would install multiple tools (Cannons, Stingers, Sweeps & Rovers), on multiple systems; and do everything at once. Systematically and concurrently; with a single operator, less equipment, less manpower, and very minimal manual labour. This has and will increase productivity and maximize efficiencies on all levels. We can pre-build all the tanks and vessels, install all the tools, and determine our entire scope for operational parameters before we even come to the location through the robotic programming systems. Our clients and most importantly people can understand how we will complete these jobs far before we even get to locations.”

About Solution Services:

Solution Services was founded in 2014 by oilfield veteran Wasyl Kobylanski in Grande Prairie, AB. He had a vision to offer an industry alternative – personal partnerships that you can believe in and a collaborative service you can trust. 
Even though Solution Services has expanded to over 250 employees, we continue to follow that guiding vision. With offices established in Grande Prairie and Fort Saskatchewan, AB, our company remains both proudly Canadian-owned and family-operated and is focused on investing in people, process,es and equipment – all for you, our valued clients. 
Solution Services is a one-stop project shop like no other. The integration of mechanical services, specialized fluid services, and project management set the groundwork for a unique multi-faceted solution for the production, maintenance, and turnaround industry. The knowledge and experience within each division is a result of recruiting hard-working, talented individuals who truly care.

Product List

Control Stations:

Robotic Tools:

Camera & Lighting:

Auxiliary Equipment:

  • Automated Valve Bank Stands
  • Automated Pressure Wash Units

In The Media